This little cutie has to go poo poo again! And what a mess she makes!
She’s sporting adorable ponytails and is sweetly coloring in a coloring book when the urge comes on. Then FART! Her diaper rumbles. And in no time at all she lifts her booty and starts to push out her messy load!
Push and push and push! She lets it all out! Her diaper expands and grows as it takes on her huge mess.
She twists and turns around in it, playing with the bulge in the back of her diaper. She just loves messing her diapers!! A big smile spreads across her face.
Too bad there’re no diaper boys here to change her! She wishes for it out loud. “Oh well, I guess I’ll just let it marinate in there!”
Haha! Nikki is just too cute!!
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I volunteer
Hey there sexy
Hey don’t push it
Im just saying i would love to be in your place filling my diapers anytime i want would be a dream come true